+44 757 824 3245


What We Do

Comprehensive Community support from Women of Heart

Practical Support

We support our aims and objectives in a practical way – with a range of specific activities both here in the UK and overseas. Or work is all about supporting communities and helping individuals to thrive.

Community events and volunteering

We organise events which benefit communities and which are run by our many dedicated volunteers and ambassadors. These include workshops and conferences to empower young people.

Raising the profile of volunteering and the benefits of becoming a volunteer are key activites for us. We have built a database of volunteers, all of whom are DBS checked and which includes community leaders, and ambassadors who are dedicated to giving back and helping their communities. We offer volunteering opportunities in projects which benefit local communities and which will develop and encourage opportunities for women, young girls and children and will create community leaders.

Helping individuals

As well as helping local communities as a whole, we also offer support to individuals. An important part of our work is to provide platforms for women and young people to showcase their talents and abilities through acting, singing, dancing, speaking, and playing instruments and other similar endeavours.

If you would like to support our work - please make a donation


Responsive and professional Community support from Women of Heart

Networking and Fundraising

Building relationships

We aim to foster and build new relationships amongst powerful, influential, business women and to organise humanitarian, educational and empowerment programmes such as workshops, seminars, vocational training and conferences to address important issues and to influence social welfare policies.

We identify appropriate established charities and partner/collaborate with them to provide social welfare intervention for women, young girls, children and other vulnerable people. We also collaborate with government agencies and other private social organisations to influence social and welfare policies.


We are committed to comprehensive fundraising in order to support the important work that we do. To foster this we have created a platform which provides opportunities for women to effectively voice their inner potential and talents through motivational speaking. These in-house events are one of the ways that we raise vital funds, along with a further range of projects and community events.


Community support from Women of Heart includes our annual Women of Heart Awards

Women of Heart Awards

An important date in our annual calendar allows us to say a big THANK YOU to the people who have supported our work via our Women of Heart Awards.  

This annual Black Tie Awards Ceremony, Charity Concert and Dinner Gala Ball celebrates women and their excellence by showcasing their talents and helping to raise funds to support their wellbeing.

Each year, we bring together powerful and influential women who have taken it upon themselves to help make our world a better place and have championed important causes throughout the world. They help to raise money for charity, education, and health care and support the personal development and the wellbeing of others in need.

We want to recognise the hard work and contributions they have made throughout the years. We believe these women are truly amazing and deserve our heartfelt thanks. We honour them with our Women of Heart Awards.

Get in touch with us today for more information on any of our activities
